Niger J Paed 2015; 42 (3):169 179  
Eke CB  
Ubesie AC  
Ibe BC  
Challenges of childhood obesity in a  
developing economy: A review  
Accepted: 24th February 2015  
Abstract: Background: Obesity  
once considered a high income  
country’s malady is now on the  
rise in most developing countries  
particularly in urban settings.  
Most of these emerging econo-  
mies have been reported to have  
different shades of under nutri-  
tion coexisting side by side with  
over-nutrition. It is pertinent  
therefore that we determine the  
factors driving the increase in  
obesity rates in developing coun-  
tries as they generally lack the  
infrastructure to adequately han-  
dle the associated complications.  
Objectives: This communication  
is aimed at reviewing the burden  
and risk factors for obesity in chil-  
dren in developing countries,  
double burden of malnutrition,  
challenges including medical as  
well as economic costs and sus-  
tainable preventive programmes  
of obesity in our environment  
with the hope of sensitizing both  
the health community and policy  
makers of this emerging epi-  
tive models in developing econo-  
Eke CB  
Results: Several relevant studies  
were identified. The health as well  
as economic costs of obesity is  
diverse. Obesity is the major risk  
factor for a variety of non com-  
municable diseases including car-  
diovascular diseases, type 2 diabe-  
tes and malignancies in later life.  
Also obese children have higher  
risk of orthopaedic problems and  
psychological disturbances like  
low -self esteem and bullying. This  
can also lead to poor social adjust-  
ments among our teeming youths  
who are the bedrock of our future  
economy. Most of these diseases  
cause premature deaths in addition  
to long term morbidities.  
Many of these obesity associated  
complications impose substantial  
burden on the health care system  
in developing countries with weak  
health systems, and if allowed  
unmitigated the implications are  
that the cost of its care may over-  
whelm not only the health budget  
but also affect the provisions of  
basic social amenities.  
Ubesie AC, Ibe BC  
Department of Paediatrics,  
College of Medicine  
University of Nigeria/University of  
Nigeria Teaching Hospital  
Methods: We searched relevant  
literature on the subject published  
only in English language or trans-  
lated into English language manu-  
ally and electronically. The Index  
Medicus, AJOL, Medline, PUB-  
MED, and HINARI were specifi-  
cally searched for the period be-  
tween 1980 and 2014 and re-  
viewed. The following key words  
were applied in the search: Obe-  
sity in childhood, its burden and  
associated risk factors, complica-  
tions of obesity in childhood, dou-  
ble burden of malnutrition in de-  
veloping countries, assessment of  
obesity, childhood challenges of  
obesity including its direct and  
indirect costs in developing coun-  
tries as well as practical preven-  
Conclusions: Preventive pro-  
grammes have been shown to  
reduce the burden of obesity in  
developed countries. Dearth of  
data on burden of obesity and its  
associated complications in chil-  
dren and adolescents still a chal-  
lenge in most developing econo-  
mies. Efforts should be made to  
prevent childhood obesity using  
multi- pronged approach at popu-  
lation level through targeted edu-  
cation, sustainable interventions  
related to healthy nutritional prac-  
tices as well as physical activity  
Key words: Challenges; Obesity;  
Children; Developing Economies  
Musa et al studied 3240 children aged 9-16 years and  
reported obesity prevalence of 1.8% and overweight  
9.7% respectively. The obesity pandemic has spared no  
age groups even among children with haemoglobinopa-  
thy previously thought to be underweight due to their  
chronic anaeamic state, obesity rate of 2.5% among chil-  
dren aged 2-15 years has been reported in Lagos, South-  
The World Health Organization (WHO) defined obesity  
as a condition of abnormal or excessive fat accumu1 lation  
in adipose tissue resulting in impairment of health .  
Obesity has been known to man since the middle ages;  
during the Renaissance of Europe and the Ancient East  
Asian Civilization when it was regarded as a mark of  
affluence and wealth and was relatively common among  
South Nigeria .  
the elites . However the famous Hippocrates of Cos  
Predisposing Factors  
noted the danger that it portended and wrote that  
ger of others” .  
corpulence is not only a disease in itself but the harbin-  
Obesity reflects a complex condition which is influ-  
enced by a wide range of genetic, metabolic, cultural,  
environmental, socioeconomic, and behavioral factors. It  
is the convergence of these forces, biological and tech-  
nological that has produced the current obesity epi-  
Obesity earlier considered a problem of high income  
countries is now on the rise in most low and middle in-  
come countries particularly in urban settings . The world  
including developing countries is facing a global epi-  
demic of not only childhood but adulthood obesity .  
demic , we see today. Scott and colleagues designed a  
causality continuum model for obesity in sub -Saharan  
Africa the theoretical framework reviewed incorpo-  
rates distal, intermediate and distal forces as pivotal to  
the increase in overweight and obesity rates in sub- Sa-  
hara Africa. These forces, while presented singly, inter-  
act in several ways, with distal forces such as globaliza-  
tion directly impacting on forces at other levels such as  
occupation and diet. The distal forces incorporated in-  
clude globalization and urbanization, with reduced  
physical activity, cultural perceptions of weight, built  
environment and socioeconomic class at the intermedi-  
Overall more than 10% of the world’s population is  
obese .  
The World Health Organization (WHO) is alarmed and  
has warned that childhood obesity is one of tsht e most  
serious global public health challenges of the 21  
century. Generally, obese children and adolescents are at  
increased risk of developing various health problems  
mainly non- communicable diseases like type 2 diabetes,  
cardiovascular diseases in addition to psychological dis-  
ate levels .  
Caloric intake, physical inactivity and genetics lie at the  
distant level and reflect the health behaviors most di-  
rectly related to overweight and obesity while the envi-  
ronment modifies how the genes are expressed, placing  
genetics inside the causality continuum that produces  
turbances .  
In 2012, more than 40 million children under the age of  
five were reported to be overweight/obese globally. Of  
these more than 30 million (>75%) live in de1veloping  
countries and 10 million in developed countries .  
overweight and obesity in humans .  
The rate of overweight and obesity among preschool  
African children has doubled over the past two decades,  
from 4 to 8.5% between1990 to 2010 and is expected to  
Genetic Linkage  
Genes have been known to influence an uncontrollable  
urge to eat; with likelihood of physical inactivity; an  
increased capacity5t,o16 store fat; and a minimal ability to  
hit 12.7% by the year 2020 . Asia, excluding Japan has  
also reported a dramatic increase in the rate of obesity  
over the same period as in sub Saharan Africa.  
Though most countries are still combating poverty and  
hunger, globalization has made societies wealthier, and  
wealth and weight are linearly related. Similar increase  
in prevalence has been observed in the Latin America  
expend dietaryfat . Following epidemiological sur-  
veys childhood obesity has been shown to be genetically  
linked to metabolic syndrome . Over the last decade  
large scale genome-wide association studies (GWAI)  
have identified some of the genetic variants associated  
with obesity in chi1l6dren of European and Hispanic an-  
cestry respectively.  
In general, genes interact with environmental factors to  
produce overweight and obesity in at risk individuals.  
This relates to the fact that exposure to under nutrition in  
early life, or in utero, may increase the risk of obesity  
development in late1r7 life owing to epigenetic changes in  
metabolic function.  
This “thrifty gene” hypothesis or fetal programming  
postulates that due to dietary scarcity during human evo-  
lution people are prone to survive during such periods  
and when such individuals find themselves in environ-  
ment with abundance of foods they will subsequently  
acquire excess fats with the tendency to become obese  
and the Caribbean . In the United States, over the last 3  
decades childhood obesity has tripled and by 2008  
nearly 7% of children were obese .  
In Nigeria there are limited data on prevalence of over-  
weight and obesity because of lack of representative  
data from composite geopolitical regions. So far the  
available studies on overweight and obesity in Nigerian  
children have used different diagnostic criteria but high-  
lighted the high prevalence of body weight disorders.  
Opara and colleagues (2010) reported an obesity preva-  
lence of 11.3% among primary school children in Uyo,  
South South Nigeria while Yusuf and co - workers  
found obesity and overweight prevalence of 0.84%  
and 1.98% respectively among adolescents in Kano me-  
tropolis, North West, Nigeria. In a more representative  
study in Benue State, North Central Nigeria, Denladi  
with its attendant complications. Hence, many parts of  
the developing world may be vulnerable to increases in  
obesity, given the high prevalence of under nutrition  
among the poor, coupled with the rapid introduction of  
caloric-dense, more affordable “westernized” diets and  
living in17,1a8 mechanized world with little or no physical  
up to 6folds) while in formula fed infants evidence of  
obesity was observed as a 0.4 unit increase in body  
mass index (BMI) z- score at age 3 years. In contrast,  
infants that were breastfed up to 4 months the timing for  
the introduction of the 2s7,o28lid food was not associated  
with evidence of obesity  
Early Life Risk Factors  
c. Sleep duration: The well known association between  
growth hormone and sleep led to the hypothesis that  
sleep patterns may be associated with the saltatory  
growth spurts . In children it has been shown that an  
inverse association occurs between sleep duration and  
obesity. The longer the sleep duration in hours p3a0rticu-  
larly nocturnal sleep the higher the risk of obesity.  
a. Maternal obesity: The peri- conception period is a  
critical period of opportunity when exposure of the fetus  
could predict risk of obesity in later life for the off-  
spring . Maternal obesity is one of the strongest and  
most reliable predictors of obesity of children in later  
Infants born to overweight mothers are more likely to be  
born large for gestational age and are at increased  
chances for the development of obesity and its related  
complications including type 2 diabetes mellitus in later  
life. Babies born to mothers with impaired glucose toler-  
ance during pregnancy are more likely to be macrocos-  
mic and have higher body fat at birth and subsequently  
be at increased risk for becoming overweight with its  
attendant health consequences.  
d. Early child care (Day care) attendance: The grow-  
ing use of early child substitute care especially pre-  
nursery/nursery schools has raised awareness among  
health officials of the special role that child care settings  
play in determining children’s eating and activity behav-  
iour . Most of the privately owned schools approved by  
government agencies do not have facilities including  
play grounds for variety of physical activities for the  
Hence there is need for optimal maternal nutrition be-  
fore conception and application of adequate weight loss  
interventions in overweight and obese women during the  
periconcep5t,2io0 nal period in order to obtain favourable  
Risk factors in early childhood through pre-school  
Beyond the first year of life, a couple of risk factors  
have been observed to be linked with obesity in later life  
outcomes . The application of dietary restrictions in  
obese mothers during the peri-conceptional period may  
suppress the programming of obesity.  
a. Television Viewing: Among the school aged chil-  
dren, observational and experimental research have  
shown that television viewing is positively associated  
with risk of overweig2ht. Among preschool aged chil-  
b. Maternal Smoking: It is known that maternal smok-  
ing during pregnancy results in low birth weight babies.  
However for reasons that are not clearly understood off-  
springs of women who smoke may be more predisposed  
to be obese in later life compared to their counterparts  
who their mothers21did not smoke and this appears to be  
dose dependent.  
dren, Denninson et al found that the number of hours a  
child spends watching television (TV) is associated with  
increased risk of obesity. During periods of commercial  
TV viewing children are exposed to a lot of stations  
showing cartoons with commercial advertisements on  
variety of branded high calorie, nutrientpoor foods and  
drinks as well as fast food restaurants. Children who  
watched cartoonswith commercials are more likely to  
prefer the products advertised than children who  
watched the same cartoon but were not exposed to com-  
Infancy Risk Factors  
In the first year of life the primary determinants of obe-  
sity in later life include rapid weight gain and the type  
and duration of infant feeding.  
mercials . These findings suggest that food advertise-  
ment can affect children’s food preferences and could  
contribute to greater intake of high calorie dense, nutri-  
ent poor foods thus fueling the obesity pandemic.  
a. Breastfeeding: Recentmeta-analyses showed that  
babies who are breast fed are associated with a 13 -22%  
reduced odds for overweight or obesity in childhood and  
in later life and there is an associated dose dependent  
response effect based on the duration of the breastfeed-  
b. Sleep: Short sleep duration persists as a potential risk  
factor for obesity in children. However the actual  
mechanism is uncertain. In order for short sleep duration  
to produce weight gain, short sleep duration could either  
increase energy intake and/or reduce energy expendi-  
ture. Reduced sleep has been shown to decrease plasma  
leptin levels, increase plasma ghrelin and cortisol levels,  
alter glucose homeostasis, and activate the orexin sys-  
22, 23, 24  
ing in the infant  
b. Early Introduction of Solids: Studies have shown  
that introduction of solids too early may predispose a  
child to chronic diseases such as islet cell auto immunity  
and obesity  
the preclinical condition that causes type 1 diabetes)  
tem, all of which impact the regulation of appetite .  
Lack of sleep may result in weight gain and obesity by  
increasing the time available for eating and by mak5 ing  
Recent studies show that among infants that were not  
breastfed the introduction of solid foods before age  
the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle more difficult .  
months results in increased obesity by age 3 years (by  
c. High Consumption of Sugar Sweetened Beverages:  
The consumption of sugar sweetened beverages particu-  
larly carbonated soft drinks (which contain simple sug-  
ars either as sucrose or high fructose corn syrup as  
source of fructose) has be36e,n37linked with the epidemic of  
disease of the elite class with better income and educa-  
tional attainment. Similar experience has b5 een reported  
in other emerging economies like Nigeria and Bangla-  
desh while a study in Brazil did not report any associa-  
overweight and obesity  
. Children start drinking  
tion between obesity and SES .  
sugar-sweetened beverages at a remarkably young age  
and such consumption increases even to young adult-  
hood. High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is found in all  
foods containing caloric sweeteners including majority  
of the soft drinks, fruit drinks, canned fruits, dairy des-  
serts and flavored yogurts, most baked goods, many  
c. Urbanization: Currently rural - urban migration  
could be due to a complex of “push” factors including  
industrialization, insecurity about food security in rural  
areas, search for refuge/safe haven from conflicts in-  
cluding insurgency as in many countries in Sub- Sahara  
Africa like Nigeria, Somalia, Kenya to mention among  
others and environmental degradation, in addition to  
pursuit for ‘better –life’ like opportunities for14e,4m8 ploy-  
ment, social amenities and better quality of life.  
cereals, and jellies .  
The consumption of fructose -sweetened beverages in-  
creases adiposity more than the consumption of either  
sucrose or other artificially sweetened beverages . This  
is partly due to a shift of substrate use to lipogenesis.  
Both sugars i.e. HFCS and sucrose are not interchange-  
able. But it is important to note that HFCS also contains  
glucose. Fructose, may lead to greater weight gain and  
insulin resistance by elevating plasma triacylglycerols  
and subsequently decreasing the production of insulin  
and leptin in peripheral tissuesnot suppressing ghrelin  
thereby decreasing signaling to the central nervous sys-  
tem from insulin and leptin and possibly ghrelin. How-  
ever the glucose (sugar) composition of fructose is simi-  
lar to that of sucrose. Whether HFCS is more detrimen-  
tal to weight gain than other types of sugars is not fully  
In addition several “push” factors operating in many  
rural settings, as changes in trade and food production  
due to globalization and the desire to leave subsistence  
farming, make rural life less desirable. Urbanization  
could offer economic and social advantages to some but  
many migrants languish in urban centres, resulting in  
rising income in- equalities in some sub- Sahara African  
settings. In the centre of all these are our children who  
are either moving with their parents/caregivers or are  
born in the course.  
Urban relocation by rural dwellers could predispose  
them to abrupt changes in diet and physical activity lev-  
els for reasons related partly to globalization. While in  
rural areas, many people grow and consume traditional  
staple foods that are low in fat and calories but high in  
fibres and carbohydrates and micronutrients those living  
in urban areas can afford and buy variety of high energy  
dense drinks and “junk” foods with the likelihood of  
being obesogenic in nature.  
elucidated and may require further studies  
General Risk Factors  
a. Culture: Several reasons have been proposed for the  
differences in the burden of obesity among groups in-  
cluding genetics, physiology, culture, socioeconomic  
status, environment and interactions among these vari-  
ables . Obesity however is viewed differently across  
cultures, and perceiving it as a disease is more of a  
d. Globalization: This is a process characterized by the  
growing inter-dependence of all particularly in the areas  
of the integration of economies, culture, technology and  
‘Western’ phenomenon.  
In most cultures obesity has been historically been asso-  
ciated with wealth, health and happiness. The cultural  
norms may serve to catalyze the increases in overweight  
and obesity and act as a significant barrier to success of  
any intervention program. Culture may play a role in  
shaping parental perception of their children’s health  
status e.g. In some cultures like the Hispanics in South  
America, Igbo ethnic nationality in Nigeria mothers may  
view thinness as a reflection of poor health and undernu-  
trition. Thus, they may encourage their children to eat  
more and accumulate more fat.  
Several emerging/developing countries have benefitted  
tremendously from richer economies particularly in the  
area of food security and nutrition via increased employ-  
ment opportunities, productivity and better quality of  
life .  
Free trade and commerce have led several countries in  
developing countries to the current nutrition transition  
where they shift away from their usual traditional pro-  
duction and consumption of local staple foods rich in  
whole grain, fruits and vegetables to importation of  
processed obesogenic western staples that are ‘nutrient  
poor’ energy dense, high fat, and above all low cost par-  
b. Socioeconomic status (SES): There is a positive re-  
lationship between SES and obesity in developing coun-  
tries as obesity is more of the problem of the wealthy in  
such environments. In addition a positive association  
between higher SES and obesity appears to be an in-  
verse relationship as one moved from countries with  
lower human development index (HDI) to countries of  
ticularly among those resident in urban areas .  
e. Sedentary lifestyles/Reduced Physical activity:  
Levels of physical inactivity are rising globally with its  
implications for the prevention of noncommunicable  
diseases including obesity and its related metabolic syn-  
higher HDI .  
Wang et al reported that there may be a bidirectional  
causal link between SES and obesity, because obesity  
may adversely affect one’s opportunity for education,  
occupation, and marriage.  
drome in later life . This is primarily due to increasing  
use of mechanization . Among children there appears to  
be general decline in physical activity owing to less trek-  
king and down-playing of physical education in our edu-  
cational systems. Many private schools are being  
In many sub Saharan African settings obesity is a  
licensed without playgrounds. In some cities notable  
recreational/amusement parks are now been given-up for  
The challenge for developing economies is how best to  
confront the ‘double burden’ of malnutrition: under-  
nutrition; and overweight and obesity, and how to en-  
sure optimal childhood nutrition in a fast changing soci-  
ety. No action will lead to escalation with the short and  
long term health consequences.  
‘exotic’ housing estates and shopping malls for the rich.  
Also insecurity particularly in urban settings in the guise  
of kidnappings, armed robbery, rape and the big one –  
insurgency/sectarianism have all made the teeming  
population of our children to be locked indoors after  
school hours by apprehensive parents who are afraid of  
the unknown. Thus limiting the time and liberty they  
have for adequate and variable physical exercise needed  
to burn off some stored energy. The resultant effect is  
that urban children will be confined to their homes and  
given the opportunities to get glued to screens in the  
form of television, computer games and consumption of  
energy dense foods/drinks making the vicious cycle of  
obesity to continue  
Secondary Causes of Obesity  
Some of the following have also been implicated in  
childhood obesity in both developed and developing  
countries. They include:  
1. Endocrinopathies: Cushing syndrome, hyper-  
insulinism, hypothyrodism, growth hormone deficiency.  
2. Rare Genetic syndromes (Syndromic Obesity):  
Prader Willi Syndrome, Turner Syndrome, Beckwith  
Wiedmann, LawrenceMoon Biedl, Melano cortin 4-  
receptor gene mutation . Leptin or Leptin Receptor gene  
mutation., Alstrom syndrome ,Carpenter syndrome etc.  
3. Psychological dis. 5o4r, 5d5e,5r6s: Binge eating disorder and  
night eating disorder  
The World Health Assembly in 2004 recommended that  
each member state should develop national physical  
activity plans and policies to increase physical activity  
levels in their population .  
f. Drug use: Several herbal medications have been re-  
ported to be in use in some settings in Africa like in  
Western Sahara (also known as Sahrawi) where they  
practice traditional fattening involving periods of ritual  
overfeeding and use of appetite enhancers and tradi-  
tional medication (suppositories composed of a mix of  
dates, seeds, and medicinal plants that 2are believed to  
Possible Pathophysiologic Mechanisms  
Further to the previously listed causes of obesity several  
hormones, genetics, neurotransmitters and receptors in  
the hypothalamus and its adjourning structures have  
been shown to contrib5u7te in the regulation of appetite as  
well as body weight. Some of agents have effect on  
long-term control of energy intake (e.g. leptin, neu-  
ropeptide) while others have a short-term impact on en-  
increase peripheral fat accumulation), in addition to  
prolonged use of some certain orthodox medications  
including insulin, antipsychotics, selective serotonin  
reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, anticonvul-  
sants/mood stabilizers and prednisone that that have  
been implicated in weight gain/change in body composi-  
ergy intake (e.g. Ghrelin, insulin, and cholecystokinin).  
Assessment of Obesity in Children  
Accurate assessment of obesity in children is a critical as  
well as challenging aspect of present day paediatric  
practice globally. The measurement of body composi-  
tion provides more detailed information about nutri-  
tional status than the measurement of stature and weight  
alone. Recent technological development has led to the  
availability of several instruments for assessing body  
composition including densitometry, dual energy ab-  
sorptiometry (DEXA), tracer dilution techniques neutron  
activation, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging,  
computerized tomography scan and bio- electric imped-  
ance analysis. Most of these techniques are complex,  
expensive and not practicable for routine clinical use  
and hence are restricted mainly to research.  
The Double Burden of Malnutrition in Developing  
The obesity epidemic is particularly disturbing in devel-  
oping countries where nutrition transition in addition to  
continuing infectious diseases, poverty and ignorance  
propel the dual burden of under-nutrition and obesity  
within the same households. The synergetic links among  
infectious diseases, under-nutrition and overweight/  
obesity are manifest across the lifespan.  
Double burden malnutrition exists in developing coun-  
tries with varying degrees of public health importance  
owing to the uneven socio economic development  
within the segments of the society. Middle and low in-  
come countries continue to face the challenges of infec-  
tious diseases and under- nutrition in the face of a rapid  
rise in non- communicable diseases including obesity  
and overweight. Obesity co-existing with varying de-  
grees of under nutrition has be5e3 n reported even in the  
fast emerging nations like India  
Anthropometric measurements are most commonly used  
in clinical settings and epidemiological studies as indi-  
rect methods of estimating fat mass. Weight and BMI  
are generally applied. The BMI is standard and reliable  
indicator of overweight and obesity. It is also the pre-  
ferred measure for evaluating obesity among children  
and adolescents 2 19 years of age. It expresses the  
weight for height relationship as a ratio i.e. weight (in  
In Nigeria, under-nutrition accounts for >50% of under  
five mortalityndrate (142 per 1000 live births) directly or  
in-directly (2 largest world contributor). At the same  
time there is rising rates of overweight/obesity within  
the same communit9i,e1s1 with different shades of under –  
nutrition in Nigeria.  
kilograms)/height in meters .  
Its strengths include the following: It is easily obtained,  
correlates str6o0ngly and weakly with body fat and height  
respectively. Above all the BMI correctly identifies the  
fattest individuals with acceptable accuracy at the upper  
end of the distribution (e.g. 85th or ≥ 95th percentile for  
age and gendther). Using BMI, obesity is defined as BMI  
that is ≥ 95 percentile using either the United States  
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or  
the World Health Organization growth charts.  
studies on the burden of obesity in our setting answers to  
these very important operational research questions may  
become obvious over time.  
However, what is certain is that most developing coun-  
tries particularly in Africa have weak health systems that  
are unable to cope with the double burden of infectious  
diseases and chronic diseases. In most Africa settings  
there no national chronic disease policy to deal with this  
burden of chronic diseases adequately, many have just  
got a national health policy. Most of the countries in  
developing countries have been shown to have high  
rates of disabilities and death rates due to chronic dis-  
eases such as diabetes, hypertension and stroke mainly  
in the last two decades straining the health systems and  
these have been attributed to changing behavioural prac-  
tices (e.g. sedentary lifestyles and diets high in saturated  
fats, salt and sugar).  
However for children 2years of age the weight for  
recumbent length percentile from the year 2000 CDC or  
WHO growth charts should be regarded as appropriate  
for evaluating weight relative to linear length. But gen-  
erally the term obesity is avoided in thesethage group  
rather weight for length percentiles 95 identifies  
these as overweight.  
The WHO standard growth charts are generally pre-  
ferred in infants aged 0 24months due to the fact that  
they establish growth of the breastfed infant as the norm  
for growth, provides better description of physiological  
growth in infancy and the standards are based on a high  
quality designed explicitly for growth charts .  
For screening purposes especially field work the Interna-  
tional Obesity Task Force (IOTF) charts could be ap-  
plied. It is not meant for routine clinical use. It is impor-  
tant to note that as a quick screening tool the IOTF chart  
has got comparable sensitivities and specificities as the  
regular BMI charts.  
Experts have recommended a three prong approach to  
dealing with the burden:  
(a). Epidemiological surveillance;  
(b). Primary prevention (preventing disease in healthy  
populations); and  
(c). Secondary prevention (preventing complications and  
improving quality of life in affected communities) .  
These efforts should be made to control and begin to  
reverse the rising trend of childhood obesity. These  
medical complications include:  
For research purposes the age specific z- scores or stan-  
dard deviation (SD) scores are generally used for ex-  
treme values of anthropometric measures. A BMI online  
calculator is available: http;//  
bodycomp/bmiz2.html. The WHO Anthro - and an-  
thro Plus internet calculator are also in use online.  
Other useful anthropometric tools in the assessment of  
overweight and obesity in children is skin fold thickness  
and waist circumference measurements.  
Other general components of nutritional assessment in  
the evaluation of obesity include the medical history,  
dietary and physical activity assessment.  
The challenge for most countries in sub- Saharan Africa  
is the lack of adequate local clinical tools and represen-  
tative data to assess the burden of obesity in our envi-  
ronment. Most of the tools we have for practice are ei-  
ther from the Centers for Disease Control, United States  
or the WHO charts which may have some variations  
with regards to our local population and may either  
under or over-estimate the risk of childhood obesity in  
our setting.  
(a). Endocrine/Reproduction System: Insulin resis-  
tance (type II diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome),  
menstrual disorders, polycystic ovarian syndrome etc;  
(b). Digestive system: Non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases  
(NASH), cholelithiasis, gastro-esophageal reflux disease  
(c). Respiratory system: Obstructive sleep apnoea  
(OBSA), obesity hypoventilation syndrome, asthma. It  
is important to note that asthma severity, however, does  
not seem to be altered by obesity, leaving open the pos-  
sibility that weightrelated but not non-asthmatic air-  
flow limitations are being misdiagnosed as asthma in  
some obese children.  
(d). Central nervous system: Idiopathic intracranial  
(e). Psychosocial: Distorted peer relationships, poor self  
esteem, anxiety, depression.  
f). Musculoskeletal system: slipped capital femoral  
Challenges of Obesity in a Developing Economy  
epiphysis, tibia vara (Blount’s disease), spinal complica-  
tions and acute fractures.  
Obesity is a public health and policy proble3,m64 because of  
(g). Integumentary system: Furanculosis intertrigo  
(h). Urology/Renals: Sub- nephritic proteinuria, glome-  
rulomegaly, microalbuminuria chronic kidney disease.  
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis is the ultimate find-  
ing in morbid obesity.  
its prevalence, costs and health effects. The health  
implications of obesity are multi - systemic and legion.  
However most of them may not be prevalent in the  
paediatric age groups but if childhood obesity is not  
adequately controlled, these children will eventually  
become obese adults and ultimately develop chronic  
complications with their attendant costs.  
It is not certain whether there are differences in- terms  
of the frequencies of these medical complications be-  
tween obese children in developing economies and those  
living in developed countries. Hopefully with the up-  
coming of quality systematic reviews and meta- analytic  
(i). Nutritional Def5i4c,5i5e,6n6c,6i7es: lower levels of vitamin D  
and iron deficiency.  
(j). Malignancies: The association between obesity and  
cancer remains uncertain compared to that for diabetes  
and cardiovascular disease. This may partly be due to  
the fact that cancer is not a single disease but a collec-  
tion of individual diseases. In 2007 the World Cancer  
Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer  
Research expert panel reported that there was adequate  
evidence supporting a link between obesity and cancers  
of the esophagus, pancreas, colon and rectum, breast,  
endometrium, and kidney, and a probable association  
between obesity and gallbladder cancer. Though these  
are all diseases arising in obese adults, efforts should be  
made to control/ pr8event childhood obesity from spilling  
stigmatization by peers and the belief that obese children  
are generally lazy all could impact on the overall aca-  
demic performance of obese children.  
Indirect costs  
Are “resources forgone as a result of a health condition,”  
and they include:  
over to adulthood .  
k). Social Stigmatization: This is of major concern in  
older children and adolescents. Obesity can lead to so-  
cial stigmatization and disadvantages in employment  
and marriage and association with poor personal hy-  
giene. Some adolescents have been reported to have  
inflicted serious injuries to themselves and in some ex-  
treme cases committed suicide as a result of being bul-  
Value of lost work: strictly involve days missed from  
work meaning its costs to both employees (in lost  
emoluments) and employers (in work not done or com-  
pleted). Obese employees miss more days from work  
due to short-term absences, long-term disability, work-  
ing at less than full capacity (termed presenteeism) com-  
pared to their counterparts. However, these may indi-  
rectly apply to children when they are sick and probably  
hospitalized and their parents/caregivers may apply for  
excuse duty to take care of them.  
lied for one reason or the other .  
Direct and Indirect Costs of Obesity  
The health and social consequences of obesity have over  
Other aspects of indirect costs of obesity like life insur-  
ance premiums and lower wages may not directly app7l0y  
to children since by law they are not licensed to work.  
Prevention has been shown to be cost effective com-  
pared to treatment, both in terms of economic and indi-  
vidual costs. Hence health care providers and policy  
makers should educate the public adequately on the im-  
portance of obesity and its prevention, and develop  
effective policies and programmes to prevent obesity.  
shadowed the economic cost to society and to the indi-  
vidual. The costs implications of obesity on health and  
well-being are beginning to raise global as well as politi-  
cal awareness that individuals, communities, nations,  
and international organizations like World Health Or-  
ganization must take urgent measures to stem its rising  
tide. These challenges include both direct medical as  
well as indirect costs.  
Direct costs  
Prevention of obesity in children  
Costs arising from outpatient and inpatient health care  
services (including surgery), laboratory and radiological  
tests, physiotherapy, drug therapy, etc. Managing obe-  
sity and its related conditions cost billions of dollars  
each year. One United States estimate, projected that  
In a cross sectional study of 232 preschoolers in Brazil,  
mother's obesity [OR = 3.12 (95% CI, 1.41-6.91), P =  
0.01], weight gain of more than 0.85kg/month in the  
first four months of life [OR = 2.16(95% CI 1.01-4.64),  
P = 0.04] and lower per capita income [OR = 0.32 (95%  
CI 0.13-0.79), p = 0.01] remained significant predictors  
of obesity after multivariate adjustments. It is therefore  
imperative that obesity prevention in children should  
start during conception. There is need to normalize body  
mass index of potential mothers before pregnancy. Dur-  
ing pregnancy, adequate maternal nutrition including  
micronutrient supplementations need to be ensured.  
Pregnant mothers should avoid smoking and other pre-  
ventable risk factor for small for gestational (SGA) ad-  
dressed. Studies have linked low birth weight babies  
with risk of obesity later in life as a result of biological  
programming. Moderate exercise as tolerated should be  
maintained. In gestational DM, provide meticulous  
glucose control.  
190 billion was spent on obesity-related health care  
expenses in 2005double previous estimates. For de-  
veloping countries without health insurance policies for  
majority of the population including children. Caregiv-  
ers when they present with their children usually ‘pay  
out of pocket’. Also in most cases there are no available  
national data on68,e7c0onomic costs of obesity complica-  
tions treatments.  
Health related quality of life: Studies of the effect of  
obesity on specific health outcomes such as diabetes or  
depression provide just a tip of the ice- berg on the spec-  
trum of impact of obesity on health and well-being. Ac-  
cording to the World Health Organization, health is not  
just the absence of disease or infirmity but a state of  
holistic well being. Hence this health-related quality of  
life (HRQoL) integrates the effect of obesity physical,  
psychological, and social functioning and obesity has  
been reported to impact on them either directly or indi-  
Breastfeeding is associated with reduced incidence of  
obesity in childhood and later in life. In a systematic  
review of nine studies with more than 69,000 partici-  
School absenteeism: Owing to prolonged period of ill –  
health in some obese children arising from complica-  
tions of obesity like slipped capital femoral epiphysis  
some school days could be lost with its attendant impact  
on academic performance.  
pants, Arenz et al showed that breastfeeding signifi-  
cantly reduced the risk of childhood obesity [AOR 0.78,  
95% CI (0.71, 0.85)]. The authors also reported a dose-  
dependent effect of breast-feeding duration on the preva-  
Poor academic performance: Days lost due to ill-  
health/hospitalization, poor self esteem arising from  
lence of obesity in four studies . Sadly the reported  
average exclusive breastfeeding rate in infants < 6  
months of age in Nigeria is 16.4% (95%CI: 12.6%-  
close to schools.  
1.1%) and even lower (7.1%) in their 5th month.  
Strategies that promote, protect and support breast-  
feeding are therefore, critical in reducing the obesity  
incidence around the world.  
The cultural perceptions and norms that views excessive  
weight gain in children as a sign of adequate nutrition  
should be discouraged.  
Government and regulatory agencies  
Beyond the immediate post-partum period, economic  
pressures on families put undue pressures on working  
mothers and fathers. This has resulted in improper use of  
breast milk substitutes and complementary feeds. The  
higher protein content of infant formula causes rapid  
weight increase in the first of year of life with attendant  
obesity risk . It is therefore, imperative that nutrition  
education on adequate, appropriate and safe complemen-  
tary feeds be provided for mothers and potential moth-  
ers. The nutrition education should include merits and  
demerits of home-made versus commercial complemen-  
tary feeds, need for micronutrients supplementation and  
fortifications; and importance of age-specificity and  
enough flexibility.  
They need to provide financial incentives to industry to  
develop more healthful products and to educate the con-  
sumer on product content. Appropriate laws and regula-  
tions that will influence advertising and distribution of  
non-healthy foods need to be enacted. There should be  
outright ban of advertising of fast foods directed at pre-  
school children while restricting advertising to school-  
aged children. Other measures include taxation and  
pricing to promote or limit consumption of foods. Gov-  
ernment can also assist in changing built environment  
(building parks, walk ways) and in urban planning.  
Health care setting  
It is important that weights and heights of children are  
routinely monitored. The body mass index (BMI) Calcu-  
lated and plotted 6 monthly or at least yearly. The health  
care providers should discuss the benefits of increased  
physical activity and decreased sedentary activity with  
caregivers; as well as encourage them to promote  
healthy eating habits at family levels.  
The growing child should be exposed to a wide variety  
of foods while limiting sweetened beverages to the bar-  
est minimum. It is advised that families eat meals to-  
gether in a fixed place and time. Meals especially break-  
fast should not be skipped. Regular vegetables and fruits  
should be served at meals. Portion control such as use of  
small plates may be required for some children. Judi-  
cious use of technologies to do work at homes is recom-  
mended. Children should be allowed to wash their  
clothes and dishes instead of using machines.  
International collaboration  
Like tobacco addiction, obesity does not observe na-  
tional boundaries and is deeply connected to issues of  
globalization. It will be necessary to engage policymak-  
ers and regulators at the international level, asking ques-  
tions related to governance as well as those related to  
Physical activities  
The WHO states that 60% of the world's population  
does not obtain the level of physical activity recom-  
mended for health benefits with rates varying from 17 to  
public health infrastructure, inequality and inequity .  
Treatment principles  
1% in developing countries . It is postulated that  
physical activity protects individual from development  
obesity by increasing energy expenditure and resting  
metabolic rate and leading to favourable fuel utiliza-  
Therapies often combine diet, exercise, behavior modifi-  
cation, medications, and rarely, surgery. Medical man-  
agement of obesity in children include dietary (portion  
control), increase physical activity, pharmacotherapy.  
Evaluation of the overweight/obese child requires com-  
passion. The dietary practices, family structure, and hab-  
its need to be explored. Any underlying secondary cause  
(genetic or hormonal) should be excluded. Most suc-  
cessful approach requires substantial lifestyle changes  
that include increased physical activity and altered eat-  
ing habits. Initial goal should be weight maintenance  
rather than reduction. Weight loss should be attempted  
only in skeletally matured children or in those with seri-  
ous complications at weight loss goal of 0.5 kg or less  
per week. Once a 10% reduction in weight is achieved,  
the weight should be maintained for 6 months before  
further weight loss is attempted. Medications such as  
Orlistat (an intestinal lipase inhibitor), has been effective  
in adolescents older than 12 years of age. Octreotide has  
tion . The American Academy of Pediatrics recom-  
mends avoiding television and computers in children  
younger than 2 years . Children 218 years of should  
have less than 2 hours/day of “screen time” (television,  
video games, computer), and televisions should be re-  
moved from children's bedrooms.  
In the school environment, minimum standards for  
physical education, including 3045 min of strenuous  
exercise 23 times weekly should be mandated.  
Balanced school meals need to be provided as part of  
school health program. Discourage junk foods, sugary  
beverages in the children’s lunch pack and encourage  
addition of fruits. Fast-food joints should not be located  
shown promise for weight control in children with hypo-  
thalamic obesity . Dietary supplements are of question-  
able efficacy. One of the goals of treatment will be to  
evaluate for the presence of complications and manage  
accordingly: Hypertension, DM, PCO syndrome.  
Preventive programmes have been shown to reduce the  
burden of obesity in developed countries. Dearth of data  
on burden of obesity and its associated complications in  
children and adolescents still a challenge in most devel-  
oping economies. Efforts should be made to prevent  
childhood obesity using multi- pronged approach at  
population level through targeted education, sustainable  
interventions related to healthy nutritional practices as  
well as physical activity promotion.  
Surgery is indicated if unsuccessful with prior organized  
weight loss attempts or BMI of 40 or > with some obe-  
sity related health problems or BMI≥35 with type 2  
diabetes mellitus, obstr9uctive sleep apnoea, OSA,  
pseudo- tumor or NASH .  
Conflict of interests: None  
Funding: None  
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